Diamond Gold Rings

diamond gold ringLet’s assume you decide to get a gold ring, you must know the different colors of gold. There are three colors of gold, which are yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold. Yellow gold is a warm, classic color, and goes great with a traditional, white diamond. Yellow gold is usually pure or close to pure gold. White gold is only slightly warmer than platinum, and pairs well with gems of every color. Rose gold is a beautiful, nontraditional option. Rose gold gets its color from copper mixed with the gold. Rose gold also looks great with a traditional white diamond. If you want to learn more about the best color for engagement rings in general click here.

Diamonds can come in almost all colors. Diamonds are classified through a scale from D to Z. D diamonds are the closest to colorless of all types. The closer to Z on the scale, the more the diamond will look yellow or even brown. After H, there is a noticeable yellow or brown tone to the diamond. The letters around H are both affordable and beautifully clear. Diamond types around D are the most expensive, and diamonds around Z are the least expensive.

The warmer gold types, like rose gold and yellow gold, can help save money when choosing which letter of diamond to choose. This is because the warmer tones can disguise some of the yellow and brownish hues. If you prefer the white gold for an engagement ring, you’ll want a diamond that is fairly close to letter D to achieve the colorless, white look.

In conclusion, the best type of rings and diamonds depend on the couples. If you do want to get a yellow gold or rose gold ring, it is recommended that you also get a diamond around H on the diamond scale. However, if you get a ring made out of white gold, you should get a diamond that is closer to D on the scale. Good luck in finding your ideal engagement ring!